Cancellation & Refund Policy


You may cancel your subscription any time on the My Account page!
  • Login to your account 
  • Click on the 'Head Icon'
  • Click on 'My Subscription'
  • Click the 'Cancel' button.
  • NOTE: You must see 'CANCELS ON END DATE' or your cancellation was not successful. Once you see 'CANCELS ON END DATE', your subscription will stop on the 'End Date' specified.
  • You may also cancel by emailing at least 24 hours before your subscription is set to renew. If your subscription is set to renew on a Saturday, Sunday, or US Holiday, you MUST email cancellation requests by 10AM EST on the business day prior. Once cancelled, your subscription will stop at the end of the current subscription period and we hope to see you in back in the future!


- We will refund the $1 credit authorization fee if you cancel during the initial 7-day free trial. For all other circumstances, your subscription will end at the end of the current subscription period, and we cannot offer a refund for any fees paid with no exceptions, including but not limited to early cancellations, forgetting to cancel, poor results, personal situations, and more. All sales are as-is, and all sales are final. Artificial Intelligence development is very expensive and since we're already providing clients services free of charge during the trial, we must enforce this policy.

We're bummed to see you go, but we hope you keep track of Remi's performance on the page and give Remi a try in the future as the AI improves and more sports are in season! We appreciate your understanding.

Remi's Handlers

Below is the checkbox clients agree to during the checkout process, as well as the cancellation section from the LeansAI Terms of Service.

CHECKOUT [ ]  I have read and agree to the Terms of Service. I agree to be charged monthly after the Free Trial. I may cancel at any time and my access will continue to the end of that subscription period, but I will not receive a refund for any fees paid.

F. CANCELLATION: You can cancel your LeansAI Subscription at any time by contacting LeansAI by email at If you cancel your Subscription, the cancellation will be effective at the end of the then-current Subscription period. You will have continued access to the LeansAI Subscription for the remainder of your then-current paid Subscription period, but YOU WILL NOT RECEIVE A REFUND OF ANY FEE PAID. You must cancel your then-current Subscription before it renews for the next Subscription period to avoid paying the Fee for the next Subscription period. After cancellation of your Subscription, you will continue to owe any accrued amounts due under these TOS and not yet paid. You acknowledge and agree that cancellation of your Subscription is your sole recourse if you have any dissatisfaction, issue or concern related to the LeansAI Subscription, the Platform, its Content or features or the terms and conditions in the TOS, including Fees, applicable taxes, or billing methods, the LeansAI Privacy Policy, or any changes thereto; or any other of the LeansAI Subscription policies or practices.  LeansAI reserves the right to terminate these TOS or any Subscription or user accounts at any time without cause and without refund or credit.