How Does It Work?
Common Questions
How Do I Resubscribe?
- Login to your account here
- Click on ‘My Subscription’
- Near the top you will see a button that says ‘Resubscribe’, click this.
- It will take you to a checkout page where you can use the existing payment method on file, or enter a new payment method.
When are New Picks Released?
New picks are released weekdays between 1-4PM EST, and on weekends between 9AM-1PM EST. Subscribers will get email notifications when new picks are released.
If REMI's™ Picks are So Good - Why Do You Sell Them?
On multiple occasions members of our team have been blacklisted or cut-off by sportsbooks from making too much money too quickly. Although this is rare, the first time it happened it forced us to think bigger than just using Remi for our own strategies, so we started selling Remi’s data.
What is a Unit?
A unit is a mathematical outcome comprising payout odds and probability of win as its core factors. Traditionally the formula correlates 1 Unit = 1% Bankroll. This is only a bit of information and not a recommendation as to how or whether to wager or use Remi in their own strategies.
What is a Marquee Tossup or 'MT'?
A Marquee Tossup is a big game or rivalry Remi sees as a toss-up or slight lean, but NOT strong enough to rise to Remi’s Top AI Sports Picks. These games don’t count for or against Remi’s record, but subscribers get bonus insight into how Remi sees the biggest games and matchups. Read more here.
How Can I Get REMI's™ Picks?
All you need to do is click the ‘Get Started for Free’ button and follow the steps. Remi will email you as soon as a new Top Pick is released.
How Does REMI™ Work?
Remi is a computer sports prediction algorithm that uses AI for calculating the highest probability sports picks. It then uses recursive machine learning to improve over time and learn from its past mistakes.
Are Sports Picks Legal?
Yes. Sports Picks or AI Sports Picks are perfectly legal. LeansAI is for informational purposes only and the data generated is NOT a recommendation as to whether or how anyone should use it in their own strategies.
I'm Unhappy with Remi's Results
We’re bummed to hear that. We’re always trying to make Remi better, but unfortunately predictive analytics are full of uncertainty.
You can find instructions on how to cancel your subscription here.
What is the purpose of LeansAI?
LEANS AI IS FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY. We do not represent any information provided to be “accurate.” We are not affiliated with nor connected to any sportsbooks or sports betting entities. We provide you with our past performance history, but there is no assurance that future performance will be comparable, and we do not guarantee any results.
I'm Having Issues Getting Remi's Picks
If you haven’t created an account yet, you can do so at:
If you’ve created an account but didn’t finish the checkout process, you can login at:
to finish signing up.
If you’ve finished checking out, you can login on the My Account page and it will take you to the Picks page to see Remi’s Latest Picks. Or check your inbox or spam folder for email notifications each day when new Leans go out.
How Do I Cancel?
You can find instructions on how to cancel your subscription here.
What is REMI's™ average win percentage?
You can see Remi’s past probabilities and results on our Past Leans page to see how Remi performed lately. In 2022, Remi had an average win probability around 56% against the spread in the best sports. This is no guarantee of how Remi will perform going forward, but we’re excited to see Remi use AI in its strategies going forward!
Does REMI™ Offer New Sports Betting Picks Every Day?
Yes, REMI offers probabilities on games that leans strongly to one side of a spread or day each day. Usually, Remi releases 2-6 picks each day, but some days up to 10 if several sports are in season.
What Sports Does REMI™ analyze?
Remi analyzes every game in NFL, NBA, NHL, MLB, NCAAB, NCAAF, and releases a few top picks each day based on win probability against a line or spread.
Does REMI™ Release a Pick for EVERY Game?
While Remi calculates the probability to cover the spread on every game in NFL, NBA, NHL, MLB, NCAAF, and NCAAB, Remi only releases a few top picks each day. If Remi doesn’t release a pick on a game you’re interested in, you can assume Remi see’s the game as a toss-up.
What If REMI's™ Picks Don’t Work Out?
Predictive analytics involves uncertainties, and as such, Remi can’t make any winning guarantees. However, Remi has historically performed far better than guessing, competitors, and industry sharps. Remi updates net units for the past 20 and 200 picks, so clients have a bird’s eye view of the progressive performance. In this way, you can decide whether or not to incorporate Remi into your strategies.
Still Need Help?
We're usually busy making sure Remi's being fed with enough data, scores, statistics, trends, (and about a billion other things) to keep Remi from getting mad at us. But when were not keeping Remi in line, we've been known to check our email :-). You can reach us at and we'll do our best to get back to you within 3 business days!
Remi's Handlers